In today's world of emails and instant messaging, you might be wondering, "Is fax still being used today?" Surprisingly, the answer is yes!

Even with all our modern communication tools, fax machines still play key role in many industries. Let's dive into why fax is still around, which industries rely on it, and why companies continue to use this seemingly old-school technology.

Why Is Fax Still Used Today?

Security and Compliance

One of the big reasons fax is still used today is because it's super secure. Traditional fax machines send data over dedicated fax lines, which are much harder to hack than digital networks. This makes faxing a great choice for sending sensitive documents.

Plus, many industries have strict rules about keeping information secure, and faxing meets these requirements perfectly, ensuring that confidential information stays safe.


Fax machines offer a level of reliability that digital communication sometimes lacks. Emails can get lost in spam folders or blocked by firewalls, and instant messaging can have connectivity issues.

Fax transmissions are usually straightforward and less likely to encounter these problems, making them a dependable choice for sending important documents.

Legal Acceptance

Faxed documents are often considered legally binding. Many legal systems accept faxed signatures and documents as valid, which is not always the case with electronic signatures

This legal recognition further supports the continued use of fax in various professional settings.

Which Industries Use Fax?


The healthcare industry is one of the most prominent users of fax technology. Medical facilities, pharmacies, and insurance companies regularly use fax to send patient records, prescriptions, and insurance claims. On the other hand, you may be asked to send fax to your doctor's office. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States mandates specific privacy and security measures for patient information, and faxing complies with these regulations.


In the finance sector, banks and financial institutions rely on fax for secure document transmission. Transactions involving large sums of money, loan applications, and sensitive financial information are often handled via fax to ensure security and compliance with regulatory requirements.


Law firms and courts frequently use fax to exchange legal documents. Faxed documents are considered legally binding, making this technology indispensable for legal professionals. The secure transmission of contracts, court filings, and other legal papers is crucial in this industry.


Various government agencies continue to use fax for secure communication and encryption. Whether it's transmitting classified information, inter-agency communication, or handling sensitive documents, fax machines provide a secure and reliable method of document exchange.

Why Do Companies Still Use Fax?

Ease of Use

Fax machines and online fax services are straightforward and easy to use. There is no need for complex setup or technical know-how, making them accessible to everyone in an organization. This simplicity ensures that documents can be sent and received quickly without requiring extensive training.


For many companies, maintaining a fax machine is more cost-effective than upgrading to the latest digital communication technologies. Fax machines have low operational costs and can be used without the need for expensive software or subscription services.

Online fax services have also reduced the cost of faxing.  Nowadays you can send faxes from email at a fraction of what it used to cost.

Integration with Digital Systems

Modern fax technology has evolved to integrate with digital systems. Fax servers and online fax services allow companies to send and receive faxes via email or other digital platforms, combining the benefits of fax with the convenience of modern technology. You can fax PDF files and other formats directly without the need of complicated file conversion processes.

Trust and Familiarity

For many businesses, fax is a trusted and familiar technology. Companies that have used a fax number for decades may prefer to stick with what they know works, rather than transitioning to new systems that may come with a learning curve and potential security risks.

Final Words

So, is fax still used? Absolutely. Fax is still relevant when it comes to communication in various industries due to its security, reliability, and legal acceptance. Healthcare, finance, legal, and government sectors, in particular, continue to rely on fax for critical document transmission.

Businesses still prefer to send a fax for its ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and seamless integration with digital systems. As long as these factors remain important, fax technology will continue to be a relevant and valuable tool in the modern business landscape.